Oh No! I’m Losing My Vision

Do you feel like you're going blind because reading a menu or the newspaper are challenging? ... Seeing signs on the road, challenging? Problems with glare? This book addresses those issues and more as we age.
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About This Product:

‘I’m as blind as a bat without my glasses’ (as the glasses are on top of the head)."


"It’s getting so bad, not being able to see without my glasses, I wonder if I'm going blind."

"I’m going to die if I can’t find them!"


You are going to die some day, and it probably won’t be because you can’t find your glasses today.

Just like these phrases, for decades I’ve heard similar type questions about blindness associated with death.


Once the fear has been addressed, it’s easier to hear the reality check about the situation.


This book began with diving into three common fears regarding going blind.

  • Fear of not being able to drive anymore
  • Loss of independence
  • Fear of one's identity

Today, the 10 concerns serve as an introduction into the bigger picture of vision loss.


This little book is packed with tips and resources that may be the entryway to understanding more about the vision you have and the vision you may someday lose.

Knowledge is power, ... and enjoy the journey of this vision.

Program Details

The Book: Oh No, I'm Losing My Vision
Available Now

What Do People Think About This Program?


Aug 14, 2023
This eBook is a must for anyone who is concerned about vision loss or is a friend or family member of someone whose vision is deteriorating.
Kathy-Katie Friedman, LDO

Multi-certified, credentialed and Licensed Dispensing Optician transitioning from filling vision prescriptions to helping people see better using Assistive Technology, bridging the gap between the doctor and patient with resources and visual aids.
See Full Biography >
Decades of knowledge, experience and skills as a Licensed Dispensing Optician, that I was referred to as a GOAT.
Then I learned GOAT was an acronym for Greatest Of All Time.
I wouldn't go that far, but after such a long time filling eye doctors vision prescriptions, and listening to thousands of patients, customers and consumers of eye care products ask a gazillion questions regarding their eyes and vision, plus hours of continuing education, you would think I was knowledgeable about my profession.
Here are some highlights:
  • #1 Best Selling Author on Amazon: Your Amazing Itty Bitty Vision & Visionary Insight Book
  • Speaker on Vision Expo stages, Rotary Club stages, for Non-Profit groups, and Keynote
  • Leader, organizer, & team player
Employment Highlights
  • Competently demonstrating and recommending technology devices and resources matching the needs of those with visual, hearing, mobility, cognitive and learning disabilities, enhancing the quality of their lives.
  • Proficiently training clients with vision disabilities with devices such as CCTV’s and digital magnifiers; Training Word, Excel and Email in ZoomText software.
  • Successfully designing new, and upgrading failing optical dispensaries from San Diego, CA to Honolulu, HI, increasing profit margins ratios from approximately –10% to + 26%.
  • Effective Instructor averaging  students passing certification exams by a rate of 82% for the ABO, and 100% for those taking the NCLE.
Educational Experience
  • Advanced Certification in Technical & Scientific Writing, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA ... 2001-2003
  • Bachelor of Arts in applied Arts and Sciences, Vocational Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA ... 2001
  • American College of Optics, Los Angeles, CA 1978
Certifications, Licensure & Credentials
Licensed Dispensing Optician, Hawaii -- 2017
American Board of Opticianry, Certified -- 1979, 2016
National Contact Lens Examiners, Certified -- 1979, 2016
Fellow, National Academy of Opticianry -- 1984, 2017
Fellow, Contact Lens Society of America -- 1985
Certified Ophthalmic Assistant -- 1990
Preliminary Designated Subjects Vocational Education Teaching Credential, Full-Time -- 1998-2000
American Board of Opticianry, Advanced Certification -- 2000
National Contact Lens Examiners, Advanced Certification -- 2000
- Vocational Eyewear Instructor: R.J. Donovan Correctional Facility, San Diego, CA ... 08/98 - 08/01
- Instructor of Optical Technology at Palomar Community College, R.O.P., San Marcos, CA ... 01/93 - 08/98
See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: This book does NOT diagnose and does NOT prescribe. The information is educational only. Your results will vary when applying some of this information, as your experience will be as unique as the vision prescription in your spectacles.